R.M.C. No. 48-2020: Manner of Accepting Payment of Internal Revenue Taxes

As the enhanced community quarantine was being change into modified enhanced community quarantine (MECQ) last May 15, 2020 in some areas until May 31, 2020, the Bureau of Internal Revenue issued the Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 48-2020 last May 22, 2020 to recognized the importance of accessibility of payment facilities to the concerned taxpayers. The circular extends the filing and payment of taxes dues as provided under RMC No. 43-2020 until June 14, 2020. Until June 14, 2020, taxpayers may:

  1. File the tax return and pay the internal revenue taxes at the nearest Authorized Agent Banks (AABs), notwithstanding RDO jurisdiction;
  2. File the tax return and pay corresponding tax due thereon to the concerned Revenue Collection Officers (RCOs) of the nearest Revenue District Office, even in areas where there are AABs.

Please take note that payment in cash should not exceed Twenty Thousand Pesos (P20,000.00), while there will be no limit as to payment of taxes by checks.

Visit bir.gov.ph for the updates regarding internal revenue taxes and you may click this link for the full text of the RMC No. 48-2020 : https://www.bir.gov.ph/images/bir_files/internal_communications_2/RMCs/2020%20RMCs/RMC%20No.%2048-2020.pdf

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