How to Pay Taxes Online?

As the world’s technology continuously evolving for the convenience and innovation of human life, usage of mobile phones and internet to access useful applications to survive and to cope with the current situation in this time of pandemic disease caused by COVID-19 where everyone is forced to stay in their houses to prevent further spreading of the said disease is really becomes a normal part of everyone’s life.

To avoid total shutdown of business operations nowadays, business owners are maximizing the use of online transactions such as online banking for the payment of essential disbursement of the companies instead of using checks and one of these essential transaction is paying their tax dues although the Government released a memorandum extending the filing and payment of taxes, it also encourages taxpayers to pay on or beofre the original deadline to help the community in fighting this pandemic disease.

The most convenient way of filing and payment of taxes is using the Electronic Filing and Payment System or EFPS by the BIR, but what if the company belongs to small-medium enterprise and not enrolled to the EFPS of the BIR?

To enjoy hassle free and to maintain social distancing by avoiding lining up in the bank for the payment of your taxes you can use the application called GCASH by Globe.

But before proceeding to the step by step process, here are things to remember when using GCASH to pay your taxes.

  1. Form Series – It is a dropdown list of BIR Forms used in filing taxes. (e.g. 2550M/Q , 0619E/1601EQ, 1701)
  2. Return Period – This is the last day of your return period. For example, if you are paying for the quarter covering April to June, you will add June 30 in your return period
  3. Branch Code – For an individual taxpayer with no other business/branch put five zero (00000).
  4. It is recommended that you only use this method if you are paying for taxes not more than P10,000
  5. It is important to keep all records of your payment by taking screenshots of your GCash confirmation screen and the copy of payment reference number.

How to pay your taxes using this amazing mobile e-wallet application?

You may click this link for the step by step process:

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